Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Which BBQ joint do you patronize despite its brisket?

In Texas, BBQ joints are judged by brisket. Everything else is secondary. A place may have great ribs, but if the brisket is subpar, so is the joint (generally speaking). But there are scores more BBQ joints than there are BBQ joints with good brisket. So, either people mistakenly think the brisket is good, they know it's not good but eat it anyway, or they go there despite the brisket and eat other things. Do you have a BBQ joint you enjoy despite its brisket?


Drew Thornley said...

Twitter reply: "My visit to Stiles Switch (for dinner, admittedly) fit that description. Beef rib was off-the-charts"

Drew Thornley said...

Twitter reply: "Pizzatolas in HOU for the pork ribs! #awfulbrisket"

Drew Thornley said...

Twitter reply: "Baby Back Shak in Dallas"

Drew Thornley said...

Facebook reply: "Not really DESPITE the brisket, but I'd go to JMueller just for the beef ribs and sausage."

Don O. said...

North Main in Euless. Their ribs are the best, but their brisket can be pretty average. However I have learned to stick to just burnt ends there and that seems to be the ticket.

Drew Thornley said...

Twitter reply: "one. Brisket is standard by which thou shalt B judged but there R places where I crave something other than brisket. #riddle"

Drew Thornley said...

Twitter reply: "Opie's in Spicewood."

Drew Thornley said...

Twitter reply: "All the ones in #California"

Jacob said...

I don't believe I have ever been to a BBQ place and not ordered brisket. However, their are several places were their other meats outshine their brisket.
JMuellerBBQ is the best example. The brisket is amazing, but the beef rib is the best I have every had.
Opie's is a good example. Middle of the road brisket, but the greatest baby back ribs and side dished of any BBQ place in the state.