Friday, October 24, 2008

BBQ Brainstorming

Here are some places we might visit in the weeks ahead (listed in no particular order):

1. The Smokehouse (San Antonio)
2. Old Coupland Dancehall (Coupland)
3. Cooper's (Llano)
4. Schoepf's (Belton)
5. Vitek's (Waco)
6. Uncle Dan's (Waco)
7. Railroad (Kyle)
8. Green Mesquite (Austin)
9. Mann's (Austin)
10. Ruby's (Austin)
11. Lambert's (Austin)
12. Artz Rib House (Austin)
13. Black's (Lockhart)
14. Chisholm Trail (Lockhart)
15. C&J (College Station)
16. J. Cody's (College Station)

Anyone have any thoughts on any of these? Any place(s) we should add to the list?


Unknown said...

Sonny Byrans in Dallas

Anonymous said...

The Salt Lick-Driftwood/Austin

Anonymous said...


Llano is gorgeous and Cooper's is delicious!