Thursday, September 11, 2008

Current Man-Up Rankings

Now that I'm caught up on posting reviews, it seems like a good time for an accounting of the scores to date. I'll post standings from time to time. Here are the average overall scores, highest to lowest, thus far. Granted, the makeup of the reviewers was not consistent, so it's not apples-to-apples comparisons, but it'll have to do.

1. Louie Mueller: 9.6758
The Salt Lick: 9.53
City Market: 9.49
Rudy's: 9.4075
Opie's (visit #2): 9.33
Smitty's: 9.175
Kreuz: 9.05
Opie's (visit #1): 8.5725


RP said...

Much like being judged at the Olympics, order of being man-up-ed on is just so critical to a place's score.

Personally, I think Smitty's and Kreuz's would have fared much better (probably no worse than 3 and 4, respectively, in the rankings thus far) had we not gone to them first.

After some time for reflection, my own individual RP Rankings thus far would be as follows:

1. Louie Mueller: 9.99
2. Salt Lick: 9.98
3. Smitty's: 9.95
4. Kreuz: 9.93
5. City Market: 9.80
6. Opies (visit #2): 9.30
7. Rudy's (360): 8.00
8. Opies (visit #1): 7.00

A waiting period helps take away the pure emotion of the initial rankings...adds rationalization and objectivity.

Stay hungry my friends.


R.S. said...

Nice chronicles, gentlemen. Never in my 2 years in Kentucky have i so badly wanted to make a fast roadtrip to texas just to eat bbq and drive home. There is a joke of a BBQ place here that claims to be authentic texas BBQ b/c the dude lived in Texas for a while. the food is decent, but way overpriced...

Anyways, I figure by the time i move back home my kids will be ready for the full experience. I'll leave it to you guys to educate them, OK?

Nice amendments to the rankings Russ. It's good that you're giving thought to order of visitation. Beware, however, of thinking you can achieve objectivity in the rankings. this seems to be more aesthetic than scientific, hence your vivid descriptions of beer mugs, seats, and smells. Science would pull all these meats from their places of origin to "test" them side by side on a stainless steel table.

Jealous follower of the BBQ Journey-