Saturday, December 3, 2011
QOTD: What drink pairs best with BBQ?
Simple question: What's your drink of choice when eating smoked meats? Feel free to give different answers, based on the particular meat. As we all know, for me, it's all iced tea, all the time.
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Twitter reply: "I really don't drink soda pop much anymore (not good for you) but I sure like a cherry coke with my #BBQ!"
Twitter reply: "ice cold beer of course!!"
Twitter reply: "@ShinerBeer or sweet tea. Either will do."
Twitter reply: "Lone Star"
Twitter reply: "Ice cold sweet tea. In a styrofoam cup of course."
Twitter reply: "#BBQ depends on the location. If its Salt Lick = Shiner. Rudy's = Sweet Tea. Black's = Jack n Coke"
Twitter reply :"Big Red..... sometimes with a little go juice in it"
At Kreuz's I really dig the Mexican Coke!
Facebook reply: "Big Red"
Twitter reply: "anything with water hops malt and fermented with yeast"
Twitter reply: "Sweet Tea!"
Twitter reply: "Tea, @BigRed, Shiner, or red wine"
Dublin Dr Pepper or Big Red.
Twitter reply: "over here I drink Dos Equis or sweet ice tea with a lemon"
Twitter reply: "Sweet tea! Not a fan of Big Red."
Twitter reply: "Lone Star"
Facebook reply: "Dr Pepper, Big Red or unsweetened ice tea."
Facebook reply: "Unsweet iced tea"
Sweet tea!
In order of preference:
1) Ice cold Miller High Life
2) Sweet tea
3) Big Red
If you don't have at least one of these, I doubt I'm a patron of your Q joint...
Twitter reply: "Dublin DP!"
Craft beer!
Schweet tea.
Twitter reply: "can't go wrong with @StoneBrewingCo's Stone Smoked Porter."
Twitter reply: "Sweet tea or LoneStar"
Twitter reply: "How about an Arnold Palmer or a RC Cola?"
Twitter reply: "anything other than Sweet Tea...I just can't wrap my brain around that concept."
BBQ in general, probably an amber lager like Rahr Texas Red. I could even go a little darker like Real Ale Brewhouse Brown, that one goes well too. Rahr Iron Thistle might be my favorite ever though...smoky and delicious with BBQ meats.
Twitter reply: "Budweiser !"
Twitter reply: "Dublin DP when given the option. Texas isn't a southern state, sweet tea isn't our thing."
I like an ice cold Dos Equis lager with my barbecue and if DE ain't available I want sweet tea with a lemon
I like ice cold Dos Equis lager or if that isn't available I like sweet tea with a lemon
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